Category Archives: events

Chicken BBQ this Thursday!

Knights of Columbus Chicken BBQ  The Knights of Columbus of St. Edward the Confessor church in Clifton Park and Rollin’ Smoke will be holding a chicken barbeque drive-through take-out dinner on Thursday, June 6, from 4:00 to 6:30 pm.  The church is located at 569 Clifton Park Center Road in Clifton Park, NY 12065.  The drive-through-take-out meal will include 1/2 chicken, baked potato, coleslaw, and cornbread.  Tickets are $15 and must be purchased in advance.

Please scan the QR Code      :     Online ticket sales end soon!


Bruce Van Denburg



New Social Meeting – Talk on Stained Glass Windows

New Social Meeting – Sunday June 9 in the church

The Knight’s of Columbus of St. Edward’s Parish invite you to a Social Event on Sunday June 9th at 12:30 PM at the church.  The church is located at 569 Clifton Park Center Road in Clifton Park, NY 12065.  Our guest speaker is Fr. Pat Butler and he will talk about the church’s beautiful stained glass windows. Light refreshments will follow after the presentation.

Bishop’s Burse – November 2023

St. Edward’s Knights of Columbus hosted this year’s Bishop’s Burse on Friday November 17.  This is the third year the Knight’s held the event at St. Edward’s. The Burse is an annual event hosted by the Knights of Columbus Councils in the Albany diocese.

Each year, Councils donate money to the Bishop who uses it to support community and charitable organizations of his choice.

This year, Bishop Scharfenberger is donating all the money to the Diocese of Albany Ministry for People with Disabilities which helps those with varied, physical, developmental and emotional abilities participate fully in all aspects of Catholic life. 

Thanks to Brother Dave Paradis.

3rd Annual Chicken Barbeque


St. Edward the Confessor, Knights of Columbus Council, is holding its 3rd Annual Chicken Barbecue on Saturday, July 29, 2023 at St. Edward the Confessor Church, 569 Clifton Park Center Road, Clifton Park, NY 12065.  Dinner will be provided by Capital City Barbecue and includes a half chicken, baked potato, coleslaw, dinner roll, and dessert.  Price is $15 per dinner.

The event will be held in the church‘s back parking lot and is a drive-thru/pick-up venue only.  Pick-up times are 4:00 PM-6:30 PM. Tickets maybe purchased on-line or after all Masses the weekends of July 14th and July 21st. No tickets will be sold the day of the event. For additional info and for online ticket purchase, check us out at or scan the QR code below.

Proceeds will benefit Sleep In Heavenly Piece. A community based not-for-profit organization that provides beds to underprivileged children and families in Saratoga County. Please help support the Knights of Columbus support this worthy cause. Thank you for your support.


Bishop’s Burse Dinner held at Saint Edwards

This year’s Bishop’s Burse Dinner held at Saint Edwards on October 28, 2022 was a huge success. Knights of Columbus Councils and Assemblies from around the diocese presented checks to the Bishop, to support charitable organizations of his choosing. Last year 36 people attended, this years that number has grown to almost 60. This is the second year in a row they St. Edward’s has hosted this event.

To see more pictures, visit our facebook page at

Brother Eugene Vogt Wake Friday 11/8/2019 at 5:00pm

Brothers I am sad to announced the passing of Brother Eugene Vogt at age 94. The family has requested the Knights to attend the wake on this Friday November 7th at 5 pm. Eugene was an active member of the Knights and request you assistance in attending his services. We will meet at St Edwards Church in the Chapel at 5pm for a brief service. I know this is short notice, but if you can attend, request that you wear a suit and tie.  Thank You in advanceGod Bless Tom Halabuda

annual St. Nicholas Breakfast – December 2018

The Knights assisted the Youth Ministry today in holding the annual St. Nicholas breakfast after all the Sunday Masses.  Served over 250 people.  Here is a link to a short movie made earlier today at the breakfast:

Alternatively you can visit our facebook page: kofc11064 where this short movie is directly posted.